lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

My Top 10 Proposals!

Puerto Ricans Rights Blog!
 In this  blog Roxanne wrote about the offensive things that people say about others. I agree that nobody should say bad things about other people but i dont agree on sending them to jail for a week. These people should be orientated.

 Ivania's proposal is a very good one. I agree with the criminals having visits more often and for them to be with their families. They are still living people.

 Itze's proposal is a very good and realistic one. I agree with her on everything because everyones should have the right to select their gender and the way they want to be.

African Americans already have the rights proposed in Genderies Blog but backs then they didnt. Those ideas should have been expressed back then when they were being discriminated.

I have never thought of the proposal that Jenny submitted. It is true that we drive and follow government rules and that some of us work. We should have the right to vote too.

Juans blog is very reasonable because everybody should have equal rights. Immigrants should have the right to work wherever they want and to not be discriminated.

Veterans should have equal rights too. They should receive good benefits for the work they are doing for American and they should receive a healthcare plan.

Women are like men and they should have the same rights. Women should be able to accuse a man if they verbally judge them or they abuse of them.

A worker should have the right to choose their job no matter their race, sex or religion.

Some people with disabilities can still have the right to to do what  normal people do. They should be able to vote, work, and have an education. This is something we can change!

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