martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Catholicism Today!

Catholics struggled a lot in the past decades to gain equal rights. They were discriminated and mistreated by Protestants, the Ku Klux Klan, and other organizations. They made up a small percent of the United States religion. Now they make up a large percent and Catholicism is one of of the most practiced religion in some states.

Roman Catholicism is a branch of the Christian religion. They have unique traditions and practices and their own beliefs aside from those of Christians. Catholicism has become one of the largest Christian groups with around a billion followers. In nearly all Latin countries, Spain and Italy, Catholicism is the most practiced religion and it makes up half of the worlds Christians. Statistics show that in 2001, 24% of Americans identified themselves as Catholics. Around five Supreme Court Justices are Catholics. Catholic citizens have gain respect from the community and from different people around the world. They are no  longer discriminated and are free to walk down the streets without facing any kind of danger. Catholics have their private churches, priests and many loyal followers.

Although Catholics struggled a lot now they have the equal rights they deserve. They make a large percent on the United States population and have their own churches, unique beliefs and priests. Catholicism is one of the most practiced religion in countries like Spain, Italy and Latin American countries. Now Catholics are well knowned around the world and held high positions in government and in other positions. The Catholics have succeeded.

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