viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Other Blogs :)

Paola's Blog:

It was incredible to hear Paola's immigration story. She really researched her topic and got good information and i bet she did not know it. It was nice to learn about how she got her last names from Brazil and Spain. Not so many people are fortunate of having those desendants.

Roxanne's Blog:

In Roxannes blog i saw her video and her response to it. Immigration is a very controversial theme. Roxanne says that she wants immigrants to come to America without passing through a lot of trouble. That i do not agree with. I think that if immigrants want to come to the US they have to do it the legal way and if they are coming to America they should work and own their place.

Carolina's Blog:

I really liked Caro's immigration story. Immigration is something that affected many people throughout the countries. She wrote about the Irish, which i found very interesting. It was sad to see how how many Irish had to leave their country because they had no food or they didnt have any money. Most of them risked their families or lives. They were nor sure if they would have jobs or proper housing but they still tried it. This teaches us to be grateful for what we have because other people live in poorer conditions.

Karlitza's Blog:

Karlitza wrote about Japanese immigrants. I learned that most Japanese migrated to Hawaii. There they did not earn much money and worked on agriculture. Americans were scared that Japanese would take away their jobs so they made laws restricting them. Life as an immigrant was not easy at all but maybe it was better for them becuase at the end or through hard work they got better living conditions which was what they looked for.

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