jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Immigration Today!

This video is called illegal immigration and education. In this video, Barack Obama directs the nation about his plan of illegal immigration. Obama tells us that he doesnt understand how the US provides the education for the young students and then deports them back to their homeland. He still wants to protect his borders from illegal immigrants but he doesnt mind the immigrants that are already in the United States if they contribute to the economy. Through the entire video he talks about the immigrants that study and work, those are the immigrants that he wants in America.

This video made me realize some things. I thought that illegal imigration was not bad but now i understand. People have to realize that if it is illegal, it is illegal and you have to respect the laws. If more people keep coming in and not working, then they are not contributing to the economy and they are not needed but if you come to America to study and work then you are contributing to the economy and you will be needed. I think that people that are already in America should not be deported but they should stay and work and the new ones that come in should be in a controlled amount and they have to contribute. If the amount of immigrants that come in are controlled and they work, i dont think that people should mind their presence.

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